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Where can you find an Occupational Therapist?

If you look closer, we are out there!


You may find an OT working with an individual in their home to identify home safety and falls risk concerns, or working with a child and family to find ways to improve social skills for play.



OTs work in together with the child, teacher, family and other support staff to support physical, behavioural and social skills in the school setting.


Hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities, rehabilitation centres, mental health centres are just a few places where OTs work to serve people with injury, illness, disability and/or psychological challenges.

Industry and Businesses

There are insurance companies, private businesses and clinics where OTs work to support return to work for individuals addressing issues such as pain, stress and mental and physical challenges.

Yes, OTs are out there working in social agencies, group homes, halfway houses and vocational programs to name a few!


OTs could be found on all levels of the government advising in areas such as health promotion, disability managment and prevention and community accessibility. 

Find an OT today.


As you can see above, OTs practice in many different areas. Different occupational therapy services are funded by different agencies.

Agencies that fund occupational therapy include:

  • Home care or hospital programs through Alberta Health Services       

  • Extended health benefits with some insurers or as part of an insurance claim (e.g., motor vehicle accident)

  • Veterans Affairs for eligible veterans

  • Workers' Compensation for a work-related injury

  • Local preschools and schools for students' developmental or learning needs


Ask your service provider or insurer if occupational therapy is covered.


For more information, contact Health Link Alberta at 811, or check the Inform Alberta website here.


Private Practice

You may also choose to hire an occupational therapist privately. Like other independent contractors, occupational therapists' rates and services offered differ. You can search for an occupational therapist in private practice here.


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